14 August 2015

Mutex and Semaphore

Thread is a light weight process which shares the memory.
- Multiple threads allows the programmer to run particular job independent of all the others. ex:- spell check in wordpad.
- Multiple threads can run on multiple CPUs, providing a performance improvement.

Multithreaded applications requires synchronization.
- mutex - Only the thread that locks a mutex can unlock it.
- semaphore - Binary semaphore is equal to mutex, which can be unlocked by other threads. ex:- with semaphore, a thread to wait for other threads.

The pieces of code protected by mutex and semaphore is called Critical Section.

Implementing Semaphores on ARM Processors
- Semaphores are used to manage access to a shared resource. Unfortunately, semaphore themselves are shared resources. Who will protect semaphore? ha ha ha...
- In single core system, easy way to avoid the issue is, preventing any other interrupts from being served while we access (read–modify–write) the semaphore.
MRS   r12, CPSR        ; read CPSR
ORR   r12, r12, #I_bit ; set I bit
MSR   CPSR_c, r12      ; write back CPSR
CPSID i                ; disable IRQ
- In multi core system, we need a mechanism to prevent the other core from accessing the system bus, while one task in one core carries out the read–modify–write sequence. SWP disables interrupt and blocks system bus, causing critical performance bottleneck.
LOCKED EQU 0         ; define value indicating

 LDR   r1, <addr>    ; load semaphore address
 LDR   r0, =LOCKED   ; preload "locked" value

 SWP   r0, r0, [r1]  ; swap register value with semaphore
 CMP   r0, #LOCKED   ; if semaphore was locked already
 BEQ   spin_lock     ;     retry
- A new, non-blocking method is Exclusive load (LDREX) (reads and tags the memory) and Exclusive store (STREX) (stores data to memory only if the tag is still valid). With this mechanism, bus masters won't be locked out from memory access altogether, but only if they access the same memory.
LOCKED EQU 0           ; define value indicating

 LDR     r12, <addr>   ; preload semaphore address
 LDR     r1, =LOCKED   ; preload "locked" value

 LDREX   r0, [r12]     ; load semaphore value
 CMP     r0, #LOCKED   ; if semaphore was locked already
 STREXNE r0, r1, [r12] ;    try to claim
 CMPNE   r0, #1        ;    and check success
 BEQ     spin_lock     ; retry if claiming semaphore failed.


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