09 May 2009

Hello world!!!

-> Download the latest WampServer from here.
-> Edit the DocumentRoot and Directory tag in httpd.conf (WampServer->Apache->httpd.conf).
-> Update register_globals=on in php.ini (WampServer->PHP->php.ini).
-> Stop IIS service if running.
-> Start Apache Web server or restart all Services.
-> Check the Web server accessibility by http://localhost

--------------code starts here--------------
<title>My first PHP page</title>

<?php echo "Hello world!!!\n"; ?>
--------------code ends here--------------

Save the code in the web server home directory as myphp.php
Run your first php program as http://localhost/myphp.php

05 May 2009

Randu Pennungal

Sita and Radha were sisters, Sita the elder one and Radha the younger one. They were true sisters and you know how sisters will be, they quarrel for one time and be sweet in the other.

My story here discuses the transition.

Both Sita and Radha got a gift from there cousin Ram, which could be differentiated only by its color. Both Sita and Radha played with it all the day. At the end of the day they started a small quarrel, which was permitted, one in a day. As Radha was younger she showed more temper and destroyed Sita’s toy. In a fraction of a second Radha’s toy is also gone, it became victim of Sita’s frustration.

Result, both Sita and Radha lost their toy, and only Radha was crying.
Result, Sita got beat from their mother. :)

Moral of the story: Anger begins with folly and ends with repentance.